I am Nicolò (my parents didn’t bet on the Internet success) but you can call me either Nick or Nico if you don’t like accents.
I am a:
for role in ["scientist", "engineer", "person"]:
print(f"- Data {role}")
Basically I use statistics and Python to extract business value and create solve problems.
In my free time I love:
- spending quality time with my girlfriend & family
- hanging out with my friends
- reading good books
- making memes
To sum everything up:
This little corner of the web is a place where I want to write down ideas related to data science and programming (but not only). The main reader it’s my future self, after all is a personal blog, but it would be great if you find something interesting too!
If the syntax is weird, the vocabulary is a blend of a 5 years old and an Ancient Roman is because English is not my first language. I would really appreciate any feedback also on this aspect.